Linux / BSD / Unix
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Sad but true - it's your fault. A few years ago I was porting an application to Linux and had a recurring problem with one particular workstation which would loose keyboard functionality and freeze after a reboot. It turned out that Linux became confused about which keyboard was active during system boot if the workstation was connected to a network with an active VPN session between other workstations. That resulted in corruption of a critical configuration file which then needed to be reinstalled before the next reboot or the keyboard would disappear. It was terribly irritating and I wanted to make sure my code wasn't messing things up. I am not a "member of the community" but took a few hours to document how to reproduce the bug at will (it was weird but not that hard and definitely not related to my code), document the corruption in the configuration file, and submit a bug report. I stupidly thought someone would appreciate the effort I went to documenting the situation that exposed the problem. Nope. Instead, I was told that I should fix the bug myself. When I tried to explain that I was working on a project for my employer and had neither the time nor Linux OS skill to do such work, I got a nasty reply basically saying that if I didn't want to support "the community" by fixing the bug then "the community" could not help me because "that's how the community works." . I finished my port and documented the malfunctioning configuration for "my community" so my users could avoid it. The experience soured me on "the Linux community" for a long, long time.
Теперь для тех, кто дочитал.
Linux как таковой - это "зонтичный бренд" и не более того.
Какие-то вариации работают и используются в работе. Какие-то нельзя трогать даже 3 метровой палкой.
Linux / BSD / Unix
Если же серьезно подходить к вопросу, то версий Linux-а со своими тараканами в каждой достаточно много, вопрос выбора Windows SRV / какая-то и какая именно редакция Linux зависит от задачи.
BSD – это вообще не Linux, BSD-UNIX, читать тут -
Long Long Time Ago.. In 1970, Peter G. Neumann coined the project name Unics (UNiplexed Information and Computing Service) as a pun on Multics (Multiplexed Information and Computer Services): the new operating system was an emasculated Multics.