Книжки и бложики и полезности
Литература на русском:
Михеев - Администрирование VMware vSphere 5, Михаил Михеев
Мошков Максим - VMware vSphere 4,5,6.0,6.5, ESXi - записки на манжетах
Литература на английском:
VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference: Automating vSphere Administration 2nd Edition by Luc Dekens (Author), Jonathan Medd (Author), Glenn Sizemore (Author )
Performance Best Practices for VMware vSphere 6.7 VMware ESXi 6.7 vCenter Server 6.7 July 27, 2018
Performance Best Practices for VMware vSphere 6.7 Update 2
Серия Deep dive
Duncan Epping – vSphere 6.0 U2 HA Deepdive
Storage Design and Implementation in vSphere 6: A Technology Deep Dive (VMware Press Technology) 2nd Edition, Kindle Edition by Mostafa Khalil (Author)
VMware vSphere 6.5 Host Resources Deep Dive by Frank Denneman and Niels Hagoort
Rubric, Clustering Deep Dive - VMware vSphere 6.7 Clustering Deep Dive Kindle Edition by Frank Denneman (Author), Duncan Epping (Author), Niels Hagoort (Author)
VMware vSAN 6.7 U1 Deep Dive by Cormac Hogan (Author), Duncan Epping (Author)
VMware Validated Design
Русские сайты и блоги по VMware
https://medium.com/@pryalukhin/ Григорий Прялухин
https://vmind.ru/ - Виктор Коновалов, Андрей Вахитов
http://blog.vmpress.org/ Андрей Коновалов
http://www.lucd.info - в том числе
Niels Hagoort https://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/author/nhagoor ; https://nielshagoort.com/ Duncan Epping http://www.yellow-bricks.com/ Frank Denneman https://frankdenneman.nl/
Vladan SEGET - https://www.vladan.fr
Cody Hosterman https://www.codyhosterman.com/ ; https://twitter.com/codyhosterman
Carl Stalhood - Filling gaps in EUC vendor documentation
‘VDI Like a Pro’ was, and still is, focused on executing tests, finding insights, deep technical best practices and performance analysis in the server hosted desktop industry.
Тут бы надо добавить ссылки на экзаменационный путь и всякие там Cloud Architect - EMC Education, но лень.
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