Список литературы и Прочее полезное

Танненбаум и Одом - наше все.

Таненбаум Э., Уэзеролл Д. (Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall) Компьютерные сети

Одом У. CISCO Официальное руководство по подготовке к сертификационным экзаменам CCENT/CCNA

Wendell Odom, CCIE No. 1624, is the most respected author of Cisco networking books in the world. His past titles include books on the entry-level Cisco certifications (CCENT and CCNA), the more advanced CCNP, and the industry-renowned CCIE. His books are known for their technical depth and accuracy. Wendell has worked as a network engineer, consultant, instructor, course developer, and book author, and he has produced videos, software, and blogs related to Cisco certifications. His web site with links to various study tools and resources is at www.certskills.com.

Лучшие книги для саморазвития в мире телекома - по ссылке

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